Chi Mai Nguyen


Assistant Research Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Health Data Sciences, Indiana University School of Medicine


Dr. Chi Mai Nguyen joined the Department of Biostatistics and Health Data Science, and Biostatistics & Data Management Core - Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, IUSM, in August 2022 as an Assistant Research Professor after serving as a Research Scientist in 2021. Before joining the Department, she worked in the School of Nursing-Bloomington for two years as a Biostatistician.

Her studies use real-world data across domains, from health electronic records, insurance claims, inpatient retrospective chart reviews, whole genome sequencing to self-reported records, to help medical researchers and policy makers in improving evidence-based clinical practices and policy efficacy. Her approach prioritizes delineating structural mechanisms and hypothetical pathways leading to health outcomes. After that, biases resulted from self-selection along each pathway are corrected to disentangle a certain confoundedness. Dr. Nguyen is actively seeking out collaborative and partnership opportunities with industry partners.

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