Home / Hyeju Jang
Hyeju Jang’s work explores language use from a computational perspective to facilitate human communication. Using machine learning and natural language processing techniques, she discovers patterns in text and builds computational models of language use that can process large amounts of linguistic data.
Jang investigates how people use language by bridging computer science and the disciplines of linguistics and psychology in health care and education.
AnalytiXIN funding has greatly impacted the progression of Dr. Jang’s lab and research. She has been able to hire and provide stipends for a PhD student and two master’s students to assist in her research projects and purchase of equipment that has been crucial for the use of large language models in her research. She is partnering with external researchers at Google DeepMind on a research project, and has attended several conferences and convenings, including CoP & AnalytiXIN convenings at IU.
University of Notre Dame: Associate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Indiana University | Associate Dean for Research & Professor, Computer Science
University of Notre Dame | Founding Director, Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society Frank M. Freimann Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering