Felix Pabon Rodriguez


Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Health Data Sciences, Indiana University School of Medicine


Dr. Pabon Rodriguez’s biomedical research is focused on Bayesian approaches for within- and between-host modeling of infectious disease processes. This work includes the estimation of epidemiological parameters for the Zika virus, the study of immune system dynamics concerning Visceral Leishmaniasis and Lyme Disease, and the impact of co- infections via a Bayesian joint model of longitudinal and survival data. In addition, he is interested in addressing health disparities, with a focus on communicable and non- communicable diseases. Dr. Pabon Rodriguez’s work also focuses on promoting DEI in STEM Education; in alignment with this focus, he has launched the Mid-American Math Alliance and is currently a participant in the Health Equity Research Scholars (HERS) Professional Development Program.

He has submitted three papers (two accepted, one under review) and two proposals (pending) since arriving at IU, with one of the articles being nominated and recognized for its contribution, leading to it being published in the Science Featured Series. AnalytiXIN has introduced Dr. Pabon Rodriquez to new diverse areas of research which has led to collaboration across industry partnerships and within IU; including supporting AMPATH – Oncology (IU Center) as the Lead Biostatistician and providing statistical support as Biostatistician for Meningococcal Analysis for Pfizer Pharma.

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